Année de publication : Journal Of Hellenic Religion, , Vol. 1, 4-15.


Abstract : An effort to examine and consequently identify the character of Hellenic religion influences in Celtic believes in both Gaul and the British Isles. An investigation of the existing archaeological records will be also included, whilst the various interpretations will be mentioned. It is also important to be stated and clarified that there will be no intention of presenting the ancient Celtic religion as an equivalent of the Hellenic religion since each one has historically presented its own dignity of uniqueness.

Mots-clés: ancient-celtic-religion, hellenic-religion, religion-influences, british-isles, archaeological-records, gaul

[en] This article is expired. [date: mars 01, 2017]
Current Version: volumes/hellenic-religion-influences-in-the-celtic-faith-an-archaeological-perspective. (Corrected version. Revised by the author for the volume’s reprint)

[fr] Cet article est expiré. [date : mars 01, 2017]
Version actuelle: volumes/hellenic-religion-influences-in-the-celtic-faith-an-archaeological-perspective. (Version corrigée. Révisée par l’auteur pour la réimpression du volume)